WLAD and SVFR Call Special Meetings; Reminder: School Bus Safety; 126 Roadwork

WLAD and SVFR Call Special Meetings

Western Lane Ambulance and Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue have issued notices of special meetings.  The boards of each entity will gather to discuss several topics including what to do during the interim as they look for a new director and the state of their financials.  Western Lane ambulance will meet by itself Thursday at noon at the fire station on highway 101 and then both boards will convene together thursday evening at 5 pm.  Fire Chief and Director of the current Intergovernmental Agreement, Jim Langborg has recently given notice that he has accepted a position in California and would be leaving by the end of October.  The districts are also looking at 2018/2019 budget and some debt that needs to be reconciled.

Reminder: School Bus Safety

School goes back in session next week and authorities want to you be aware of the regulations regarding stopped school buses. Busses with their yellow lights flashing means that they are preparing to stop and that drivers should begin slowing down and preparing to stop and when the red lights come on all traffic must come to a complete stop including side traffic on adjacent roadways.  Even traffic on highway 101 is required to stop in both directions.  School resource officer Brandon Bailey says taking the utmost of caution is the best idea.

“A good rule is that when in doubt just stop.  Its gonna be the biggest and the best way to make sure that the kids are being safe.  Because yes, they’re unpredictable and we try to teach them to go a certain way around the bus and the school bus drivers are also educating them on that but it’s just very important that all traffic just stop.”

Florence police will be randomly following buses to make sure that motorists are following the law making child safety a priority.  Bailey also said that drivers should increase their awareness of children walking or riding their bicycles to school as many will have to cross busy roadways.  The city, through the Oregon Department of Transportation, has recently added two new crosswalks on 101 and one on 126 with warning lights.  Bailey noted that pedestrians also have a responsibility to walk at a reasonable speed and not to run or dart into traffic without first taking precaution to ensure that traffic is stopping.  School begins on September 5th.

126 Roadwork

If you are planning a trip to Eugene this week be prepared for delays as the Oregon Department of Transportation is repaving the section of 126 between Veneta and Eugene.  Crews are expected to be on the roadways through Thursday of this week.  Traffic will be down to one lane with the potential of 20 minute delays.  ODOT will be placing rumble strips along the center and shoulder lines.  Beginning next year they plan on expanding the roadway to include right turn lanes and bus pullouts for additional safety.