Port Working on Erosion Project; Siuslaw Awards; Gas Prices on the Decline; Boat Capsizes Crossing Newport Bar

Port Working on Erosion Project

The Port of Siuslaw has begun work on repairing some of the erosion that has been taking place over the past several years.  The project has been on the books for some time, and the port had received a grant of 200 thousand dollars to begin the project, but with an outstanding cost of approximately $50 thousand the port did not have the money to follow the project to completion.  That money has come through and work is underway to shore up the C-row of the campground on the east end of the port property along the Siuslaw River.  Port Manager David Huntington said the project has been a priorty and now that the money is in place the area can be secured.

“It’s an area that’s been eroding over the last few years and basically what we’re going to do is we’re placing boulders and rip-wrap to stabilize the bank.”

Huntington says the erosion had gotten pretty bad to where they were losing up to a couple feet a year along the eastern edge. The Project is expected to take several weeks to complete.

Siuslaw Awards

The upcoming 11th annual Siuslaw Awards are right around the corner.  The Event will be held on Wednesday, January 23rd.  The event celebrates business in the Florence community in the areas of Community Caring, Curb Appeal, Excellence in Customer Service, Innovation in Business, Non-profit Achievement, and the award of the Stu Johnston Business of the Year Award.  In addition Florence will honor two citizens with the First Citizen Award and the Future First Citizen award.  The evening will be hosted by KEZI television’s Matt Templeman.  Tickets for the event are available at the Chamber of Commerce office or online at florencechamber.com/events.

Gas Prices on the Decline

Over the past few months the average price of a gallon of gas in Florence has dropped .55 cent.  In October of 2018 Florence drivers were paying an average of $3.10 a gallon and today’s average is at $2.55.  Crude oil is currently trading around 50 dollars a barrel and analysts believe that the price will continue a downward trend and that 2019 will see lower fuel prices barring any catastrophic events.  Statewide the average for a regular gallon of gas is a bit higher than Florence at $2.91 a gallon.

Boat Capsizes Crossing Newport Bar

KEZI TV is reporting that a commercial fishing boat featured in the television series Deadliest catch capsized last night around 10 pm in high seas as it was being escorted across the bar in Newport by the United States Coast guard.  The 3 crew members were tossed into the water and two were recovered unresponsive.  The third could not be located due to the high waves at the time.