SNAP Benefits Could Be At Risk; Spring Beach Dangers; Wall That Heals

SNAP Benefits Could Be At Risk

The federal government’s proposed changes to food-assistance eligibility has hunger-fighting groups across the nation concerned. The U-S Department of Agriculture wants to take away states’ ability to issue waivers suspending the three-month limit over three years for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to able-bodied people who aren’t working at least 20 hours a week. The new rule would kick an estimated 755-thousand people off of the food-stamp program nationwide. Jeff Kleen with Oregon Food Bank says waivers typically are issued to rural counties with high unemployment, and SNAP is a vital program for these residents.

“SNAP is often times the only form of public assistance that they are eligible for. So, by taking that away, they really are left without any kind of support.”

Barbara Garcia became acquainted with SNAP during the government shutdown. She and her husband work for the government and applied for assistance while furloughed. She says she was surprised and grateful for the program. Garcia says it’s nice to know there’s a program in place to help with the bare essentials when people are struggling.


“If we were to change too many of the requirements and make this more about a jobs program than the benefit itself, I think it would be diluted and that would be really unfortunate.”

More than 600-thousand Oregonians receive food assistance each month.

Spring Beach Dangers

With spring upon us the Oregon Department of Parks and recreation are reminding people that while it is fun to go to the beach, it is important to remember that it can also be dangerous.  Spring storms out in the pacific Ocean can often go unnoticed along the coastal beaches, and strong waves can quickly turn into deadly ones.  ODPR reminds us to always keep an eye out for sneaker waves as they are unpredictable and powerful and can quickly sweep away children, pets and even adults.  They warn beachgoers to stay away from logs in or near the surf as they can weigh several tons and only need a couple inches of water to move.  Be aware of tide tables, especially if exploring tide pools.

Wall That Heals

Funds have been secured to bring the Wall That Heals to Florence, but organizers say there are still a few dollars needed to finish preparing for the wall.  Kim Pruitt with Spruce Point Assisted Living and Memory Care says the wall has been paid for and now one of the last items to cover is the insurance needed.  Spruce Point is preparing for a community garage sale at its location on 9th street with all proceeds going to the wall.  Next Friday and Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm is the time for the event.  to donate items for sale, contact Kim Pruitt at Spruce Point.