Ems Start Season 1-2; Rutschman Wins Howser Trophy

Ems Start Season 1-2

Over the weekend the Eugene Emeralds opened their 2019 Northwest Baseball League Short Season.  The Ems hosted the Hillsboro Hops for three games.  The first on Friday evening

They defeated the Hops 2-0, Saturday they lost to Hillsboro 4-0.  On the field Sunday the Hops were victorious once again for a 4-0 win.  This evening the Emeralds are on the road to Vancouver where they will open a four game series in Vancouver BC against the Canadians.

Rutschman Wins Howser Trophy

Oregon State Beaver Catcher, Adley Rutschman was honored with the 2019 Dick Howser Trophy.  Rutschman is the first Beaver to be honored with the Trophy and only the second ever in the PAC-12.  The Howser Trophy committee chair, David Feaster said Rutschman “embodies all the characteristics required for this Trophy.”  According to OSU athletics, the number one overall draft pick has won almost every honor that could be bestowed on a collegiate baseball player.  Rutschman will be headed to the Baltimore Orioles.