City Council Meets; Public Arts Committee; Winter Music Festival

City Council Meets

The Florence City Council will convene on Monday evening.  Part of their discussions will include a consideration to accept a bid to extend water and sewer services eastward on highway 126.  There is currently a bid on the table from Ray Wells incorporated in the amount of $284,426 dollars for the work.  The work will extend the available services to a section of Highway 126, 350 feet from Vine street allowing for connections on the north side of the street.  The bid under consideration is $55,000 below the engineer’s estimate of $339,485 dollars.  the city council will also consider a request for a street closure on Bay Street for the annual Rods and Rhodies Car show.  The closure is proposed from the west entrance of the Port of Siuslaw Parking lot to the bridge and one block of Laurel and Maple streets.  It will be a one day event on September 17th.  The council is also considering moving forward on the repairs and upgrades to Rhododendron Drive along the river up to 35th street.  Preliminary engineering will begin upon the city pending approval of the bid submitted by RH2 Engineering.  According to City Manager Erin Reynolds, this is just the beginning of a lengthy process with shovels in the ground in late 2020 or early 2021.

City council meets at 5:30 on Monday.

Public Arts Committee

The Florence City Council will meet with the Public Arts Committee for a work session on Monday morning.  On July 15th the council put a moratorium on activities planned by the PAC with the exception of the dedication of the mural on the Central Lincoln PUD building.  The council and Public Arts Committee will look at proposed projects for the 2019-2020 timeline and discuss possible modifications to the Public Arts guidelines.  The meeting will be held at 10:30, Monday morning at city hall.

Winter Music Festival

The Florence Winter Music Festival has announced its January 2020 lineup.  Headlining the event will be Livingston Taylor.  Taylor, brother of James Taylor will bring his style of folk music to the stage of the Florence Event Center, Saturday, January 25th.  Opening for Taylor will be progressive bluegrass artists Circus No. 9 from East Tennessee and Friday night’s headliners will be the Kathy Kallick Band, a 5 piece bluegrass ensemble.  Opening for them will be John Reishman and the Jaybirds.  A complete list of artists can be found at the festival’s website