Caucus Begins Wednesday
This Wednesday at Three Rivers Casino the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians will be holding the 8th annual Oregon Coastal Caucus. Tribal Chairman Don Slyter says this year’s caucus, as it is every year, is to support the community.
“To have an organization like this to step forward and bring, probably 4 or 5 hundred people together with that positive energy to try to help the community is really good energy for this building.”
This year’s caucus will focus on infrastructure investments and state Senator Arnie Roblan, along with Caddy McKeown and others will outline legislative efforts to streamline, modernize and maintain the state’s infrastructure. Included in the discussions will be topics such as housing, seismic resiliency, renewable energy and education. The event will be held on Wednesday at Three Rivers Casino and on Thursday it will move to the Florence Events Center.
ReVision Update
One lane of northbound Highway 101 remains closed from the Siuslaw River Bridge to the junction of Highway 126 for the ReVision Florence project. In addition, the Maple street entrance to Old Town is also closed while construction continues on the base for the pillars that will be part of the gateway being constructed. The pillars require a massive 12×12 foot base sub structure. Crews continue to work on utility piping and sidewalk construction.
Coastal Clamming Narrows
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that it had to close razor clamming from the south Jetty of the Umpqua River to the California border. Clamming, crabbing and mussel harvesting is still open along the rest of the coast. Levels of demoic acid have been safe along the Siuslaw river jetty.