LCC Expanding Learning Opportunities
Lane Community College in Florence is offering an online class that can educate individuals about water system engineering and conservation. The program is initiated out of the Eugene Campus, but is offered in Florence with full support of both the Florence and Eugene Campus. Program Director Roger Ebbage says water management jobs are plentiful.
“Three thousand plus vacant jobs a month that were going without someone to take them.”
Ebbage says he believes the market will continue to expand over at least the next 20 years with jobs starting in the mid 50’s to high 60 thousand dollar range for students right out of the program. The complete 2 year program will make students ready for employment and according to Ebbage there is even some scholarship money, separate from government grants, that are available to students for the first year.
Voter Registration Recognition
There is a massive voter registration push across the nation as Americans recognize National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, September 24. Locally the Siuslaw Public Library will have an information table set up for members of the community who have questions about voter registration or to update their current status. The table will open at 10am that morning and close at 5pm. If you have recently moved or received a notice that your signature was rejected, this would be the opportunity to correct it. You can also access information at
Gas Prices
Gas prices are expected to begin spiking upwards after the attacks on the Saudi oil fields, but prices in Florence are slow to respond. The average price of a gallon of regular gas has only risen a penny a gallon since last week, but prices are expected to move upward later in the week and the start of next week. The average price of a gallon of regular gas in Florence is $2.72. Oregon’s price has also held steady at $3.05 a gallon.
FURA Meeting
This evening at 5:30 the Florence Urban Renewal Agency will meet to consider establishing a steering committee that will work with staff on the development opportunities for the Quince street property located directly across from the Florence Events center. The site is currently being used as a staging platform for the ReVision Florence project. FURA will also consider approving a resolution that will authorize the city manager to enter into a single source agreement for landscaping of the ReVision Florence project which will include street furnishings at a price of $50,290. The meeting is at city hall at 5:30.