Coast Guard Search
A search off the coast of Depoe Bay from Sunday night into Monday morning could not determine any survivors of a ship wreck. Coast Guard Sector North Bend was called in on Sunday morning around 11:42 am after reports of floating debris came in. Responders found remnants of the vessel Kiwanda that was reported overdue. A life vest and a flashing beacon with the name of the vessel was recovered but no sign of the crew. The coast guard suspended its search after more than 11 hours on the water. Lincoln County Rescue Station also launched a drone to try and locate survivors. No names have been released in conjunction with the search.
Fire Protection Month
The month of October has been proclaimed Fire Protection Month by Governor Kate Brown. The Oregon State Fire Marshall released information that shows 154 people have died in Oregon home fires over the past 4 years and fires have injured another 1029. National Fire Safety week begins October 6th through the 12th. SVFR Fire Chief Michael Schick, says most fires quickly consume structures and often times response is outside of the window to save the structure. Materials in today’s homes can burn at fast rates so the best options are to practice proper fire prevention. Keep a fire extinguisher in the home, make sure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly, and keep things like plug in appliances clean and in good repair.
Lane Paved
The far western lane of Highway 101 has been paved. Crews have completed the section from 8th street to the Siuslaw River Bridge. There has been no additional grinding of asphalt in the area but crews continue overnight work to complete the project. Even though it is night work, City Manager Erin Reynolds says travelers should use alternate routes when visiting Old Town.
“If you can avoid that area, that would be great, if you can cross 101 if you need to get from one side to the other try doing that north of 9th street or the 126 intersection.”
The typical ODOT paving window ended yesterday, but paving will continue onto the completion of the project which is expected to go into November.