Toys for Tots; School Board; EMAC; FURA

Toys for Tots

The United States Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots campaign is celebrating 72 years of providing children with a toy during the holiday season.   Fire fighters with the Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue, Siuslaw River Coast Guard members and Florence Police are teaming up with area business and the US Marine Corps’ Toys For Tots campaign.  Children of all income levels up to 14 years of age are invited to attend, but parent and guardians need to show proof of residency, according to Pete “Boa” Warren, of SVFR…

“Proof of residency in Lane County, ‘cause this is for Lane County only.  Proof that the child actually lives with you and proof of the age of the child”

Toys For Tots give away will be Tuesday, December 10th from 11am to 6pm at the main fire station at 26th and Highway 101.

“It’s kind of a combination thing with Soroptimist.  So we are going to have our event on the 10th of December; and they are going to hold theirs the following Saturday.  So a lot of times stuff that we don‘t use we’ll actually donate right back over to the Soroptimist”

If you’d like to donate toys for the Toys for Tots campaign they are being collected at the Florence Bi-Mart and the Main Fire Station at 26th and Hwy 101.

School Board

The Siuslaw School board is set to meet on Wednesday.  As part of their agenda they will first meet in executive session for an evaluation and review of the performance of the chief executive officer as it pertains to Oregon statute 102.660(2), as part of the Superintendent evaluation timeline.  The board will also look at certain policy updates including meal policies, health education and weapons as well as policies involving teen violence and restraint and seclusion and how it pertains to when a staff of the school may or may not touch a student or impose the use of restraint of seclusion.  The meeting will take place at the school board offices at 2111 Oak Street and the public portion of the meeting will begin at 6:30.  The public is not permitted to attend the executive session.


Tomorrow the city’s EMAC committee will meet for its regular meeting.  The meeting will be held at City Hall beginning at 6pm with an executive session to discuss refuse haulers financials and then go into regular session to discuss a waste to energy program and an adopt a street proposal as well as update the committees work session meeting with the city council.  The meeting will begin at 6pm


The Florence Urban Renewal Agency will also meet this week on Wednesday at 5:30 pm at City Hall and will hear from City Manager Erin Reynolds on strategies for marketing and developing the quince street property across from the Florence Events Center.  And city Projects Manager Megan Messmer will provide an update on the ReVision Florence Project.