Coach Hopeful For Football

Coach Hopeful For Football

Siuslaw High School Head football coach Sam Johnson says that even though the team has not been able to practice together or hit the weight room, they are working out and getting stronger in preparation for the fall season.  Johnson says strength and conditioning coach Bob Teter is helping to keep the team on task as other programs struggle.

“So he’s been doing lots of in-home workouts with them and kind of creating stuff so they don’t have to use anything but their own body weight and so that’s been really helpful just because I think a lot of programs are taking a couple of steps back.

This is Johnson’s second season with the team and he came in late last year, so this year’s setback with the coronavirus hasn’t dampened his spirits.  And he has faith the the OSAA will come through for fall.

“I think the OSAA will find a way to put together a season for us because losing a whole spring season for seniors I think they realized was a lot more detrimental than they ever thought it would be.”

Johnson says even if the pandemic stretches out into summer they have plans to move things, like their summer football camp, around to fit it in before the school year begins.