Cases Continue to Spike; Peaceful Protest; City Council Meeting; Gas Prices

Cases Continue to Spike

The Oregon Health Authority has reported 190 new cases in the state for a total of 6,937.  84 of the reported cases are from Multnomah County, but Lane County is also reporting 7 new cases bringing the Lane County Total to 106, 4 of those are presumptive cases and there are 21 active cases currently in the county.  There are no hospitalizations associated with the active cases and all are reportedly resting at home.  There is also one new death reported with the virus.  The latest is a 93 year old woman from Clackamas County who died on Saturday.  Lane County has conducted more than 18 thousand tests to date.  Governor Kate Brown last week mandated mask wearing for 7 counties in Oregon as cities across the nation continue to see dramatic rises in coronavirus cases.  Florida has seen 10,000 plus cases in just the last three days.

Peaceful Protest

Peaceful protests marched through the streets of Florence on Friday.  On Bay Street there were approximately 50 people with signs and banners supporting the Juneteenth remembrance of emancipation.  They made one pass along the north side of the street walking by diners out on restaurant patios all wearing masks.  Governor Kate Brown last week officially recognized June 19 as Juneteenth and plans on introducing legislation to create an official state holiday.

City Council Meeting

The Florence City Council this evening will consider a resolution to ease restrictions on public meetings. Resolution #18, series 2020 will amend the procedures to allow for additional public participation in City Council Meetings.  The amended resolution update allows interested parties to participate in the video/teleconferencing aspect of the meeting and updates the allowances for public comments on action items.  City Council meets virtually this evening at 5:30.

Gas Prices

The average price of a gallon of gas continues to increase as the price of crude oil rebounds on the market.  Oregon increased six cents per gallon last week to $2.51 a gallon, but here in Florence the price has remained fairly steady for the past 2 weeks.  Currently in Florence the average price for regular gas is $2.39 a gallon.  Gasoline demand is up nationwide 18% according to Marie Dodds with AAA Oregon.  She says that prices should continue to climb as demand increases, although gasoline supplies continue to be at a significant surplus or over 24 million barrels.