New Mask Rules; Roadwork: Kingwood; Election: City Council; ODOT Reviews Projects; Planning Commission

New Mask Rules

Governor Kate Brown has announced that effective tomorrow all Oregonians will be required to wear masks in outdoor situations where social distancing can not be achieved.  The change in rules comes as Brown says we are in danger of letting the coronavirus get out of control if nothing is done to drastically reduce the chance of infection.  Brown stopped short of shutting down businesses.  She also limited the size of indoor gatherings to 10.  This new size restriction does not apply to civic, cultural or faith based gatherings, nor does it apply to restaurants or gyms.  It does however include private dinner parties, birthday parties, potlucks, book clubs and graduations that take place indoors.   COVID-19 cases continue to grow in the state.  It has been more than a month since new cases were less than 100 per day.  The most recent data include two more workplace outbreaks 20 people from Shearer’s Foods in Umatilla County and 102 cases at Snake River Correctional Institution in Malheur County.  In all 280 new cases were confirmed yesterday with 3 new deaths.  All three were male from Marion, Clackamas and Umatilla County with underlying health conditions.  There are now 309 cases reported in Lane County, that’s 25 new cases and one new hospitalization according to Lane County Public Health.  Lane County also included 11 cases for the 97439 zip code in today’s numbers

Roadwork: Kingwood

A new chip seal coating is being applied on Kingwood Street.  The application began yesterday at 10th street and will continue to 35th Street.  Traffic was delayed along the route.  The project will take another 3 days according to project manager Megan Messmer.  Unless you have business along that route it is probably better to use alternate streets.

Election: City Council

There are currently just 3 candidates that are taking a run at the two council seats that will open up on the Florence City Council.  The seats currently held by Joshua Greene and Ron Preisler will be open come November.  Neither Greene nor Preisler have filled out application packets at this point.  Local businessman Dan Lofy, along with Sally Wantz and Maggie Bacon have filed.  Mayor Joe Henry is currently unopposed in his bid to hold on to the Mayors post.  Filing period ends on August 14th.

ODOT Reviews Projects

ODOT officials say that they will have to review plans and projects as the effects of the coronavirus has severly impacted its revenue.  The current estimated loss is at 170 million dollars and that is expected to grow beyond 250 million over the next 4 years.  There have been plans for highway 101 road upgrades in the distant future and there is no indication that will be affected, but ODOT’s assistant director for budget and revenue, Travis Brouwer says over the next several months they will be taking a hard look at what will have to be realigned.  Many road projects are paid for with federal monies, however the reduction in overall funding will likely have some impact.

Planning Commission

Florence’s planning commission meets this evening at 5 pm using the City Council’s online format for meetings.  It will be the first time for the commission.  The commission is expecting a lot of input regarding the Planned Unit Development at 35th and Rhododendron.  Some local residents are concerned with the impact a large development will have in that area.