Vaccination Clinic
The City of Florence will host a vaccination clinic this Friday at the Florence Events Center. The format will follow the previous clinics that have been put on. Lane County Public Health is providing 1000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine. The event will begin at 10 am. Scheduling for the clinic will go through the Lane county website at Interested parties are directed to select the Florence Events Center as all clinics are posted in the same location. This will be the 5th clinic hosted by the city.
All Oregonians Eligible for Vaccine
Beginning today all Oregonians, 16 years and older, are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Governor Brown released the information on Friday. Brown says Oregonians can make their plan to be vaccinated by going through state, county, and through individual providers that are providing vaccinations. As more Oregonians become vaccinated the state gets closer to reaching the goal of providing the community the protection from the virus Brown said in a press release. Vaccine information can be found at
City Council Meeting
The Florence City Council meets this afternoon in executive session for a meeting on Real Property Transactions. This meeting will not be open to the general public. The executive session will be followed by the regular City meeting at 5:30. The Council will consider adopting the 2021-2023 work plan and reaffirming the council goals for the biennium. The council will also considering authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Fund Exchange Program Intergovernmental Agreement witht eh Oregon Department of Transportation. The Fund allows municipalities the opportunity to provide transportation improvements without being constrained by requirements of the federal highways administration and may be used to fund projects that preserve and improve road conditions on federal highways such as Highway 101. The new fund also allows municipalities to exchange federal monies for state monies at a rate of .94 cents per dollar available. The city’s current allocation is $115,369 in federal dollars. the city will also issue an arbor day proclamation this evening. The general public can access the meeting through the gotowebinar program and a link can be found at
New COVID-19 Cases for Florence
There have been 5 more cases of COVID-19 attributed to the Florence Area over the weekend bringing the total to 205 cases. Lane County Numbers have been steadily increasing over the past three weeks with the weekend total reaching 171 new or presumptive cases. The state numbers have not fared any better with 2220 cases over the weekend. New risk levels will be released tomorrow as Lane County’s surge in cases will likely mean a move to a High level of risk reinstituting previous restrictions on gatherings and dining in the county.