City Hears About Wind Generators
Just weeks after Oregon State Announced it would begin work on a wave testing facility north of Florence, The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the State of Oregon announced their own wind planning efforts. Andy Lanier, Marine Affairs Coordinator with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, told the Florence City Council on Monday that it has begun the information gathering phase for offshore floating wind farms. Currently there are only two comparative offshore wind energy projects in operation: Hywind Scotland in the UK, and WindFloat Atlantic in Portugal. According to BOEM’s Renewal Energy Specialist, Whitney Hauer this is a long-term effort, still in the early stages. It could take 8 to 10 years before we see wind farms built along the coast. Counselor Sally Wantz asked how this might affect the Florence area economy.
Audio Player“We don’t know yet where the balance of the busiest spots on the ocean with spots that are technically feasible are going to be.”
Lanier says, that while the BOEM is looking at the entire Oregon coast, the best wind is south of Coos Bay and many companies are interested in studying that area.
Last Chance For Lottery
If you are not yet vaccinated and are planning to do so, Governor Kate Brown announced that this is the last week for individuals to get signed up for the incentives and the $1 million dollar grand prize. Counties are also invested in this plan and are offering their residents the chance at multiple prizes of 10,000 and in some cases 20,000 dollars. the final day of eligibility is June 28th. Brown hope the incentives will drive the state’s percentage past the 70% mark to allow the state’s economy to fully open prior to the 4th of July Holiday.
Temporary Closure for Hospital Entrance
Construction on 9th street in Florence will temporarily shut down access to the Peace Harbor campus on the north side entrance. Hospital officials are reminding individuals who may need to access care or services can use the south entrance on Rhododendron. Anne Williams with Peace Harbor says they believe it will be a one day closure only.
The state of Oregon announced 267 new cases of COVID -19 and Lane county added 18 new cases. None of those cases are in the Florence Area. The state’s dashboard that is recording the vaccination process is still below 69% at 68.8. the state will have to vaccinate about 40,000 more individuals in order to make the 70% mark. There are still about 11,201 daily vaccinations across the state but not all of those are first time doses. Lane County Public Health held a vaccination clinic in Florence yesterday at the Florence Food Share, but late word on the clinic meant few people were aware of it according to Food Share Director Colin Morgan.