Governor Enacts Controversial Plan
Governor Brown in a short video statement enacted a controversial decision to require that all health care workers in the state must be fully vaccinated by October 18th or 6 weeks after full FDA approval of vaccines. Brown says the change from allowing individuals to undergo testing as an option for full vaccination status comes from the enormous effect the Delta Variant of the coronavirus is having on out hospital system.
“There are simply not enough resources to stand up weekly testing systems while also responding to the current crisis.”
Brown says she will dedicate extra FEMA resources to rural and small hospitals. For educators Brown says it is for the safety of students that are under 12 years of age that can not yet be vaccinated that along with the mandate for masks all teachers, staff and volunteers will be required to be fully vaccinated. Brown has asked the Oregon Health Authority to enact the rule that will also go in effect on October 18th or within 6 weeks of FDA approval of the vaccines, whichever comes later.
More COVID Cases in Florence
Coronavirus cases continue to mount in Florence as 10 more cases were reported yesterday. The total is inching closer to the 400 mark with 392 individuals having been infected during the pandemic. There have been some hospitalizations associated with the outbreaks according to Peace Harbor officials, but a specific number was not given. Lane County also continues to have large increases and have added 319 cases in a single day once again leading other counties. The Oregon Health Authority has reported numbers just shy of 3,000 again with 2,971 cases. The OHA is also reporting a spike in vaccinations with 10,674 new or second doses added yesterday. Hospital beds have decreased slightly, but it is not clear if it is due to individuals recovering or from the 19 new deaths reported.
New Pediatric Dashboard
With the COVID-19 Delta Variant sweeping across the state the OHA has added an new dashboard to track pediatric infections. The state is now tracking 31,394 cases of individuals under the age of 18 which is roughly 13% of new cases. Hospitalizations for this age group have been less than 1% and two deaths have been reported.
Vaccination Clinic
Tomorrow from 1-3pm Arc of Lane County with the Land County Public Health are sponsoring a vaccination clinic for first or second doses at Siuslaw Middle School. The county is also offering $50 Visa Gift cards for individuals that receive a vaccination. Registration is suggested but not required.