Air Quality Yesterday; Rain Expected To Be Heavy; Toys for Tots; Election Transparency

Air Quality Yesterday

Air quality in the Florence area dipped yesterday afternoon with the presence of smoke causing some calls as to the origin.  One caller wanted to know if a wildfire was responsible.  According to Matt House with Western Lane Fire and EMS authority it was the result of several controlled burns in both Lane and Douglas Counties.  With heavy rainfall expected in the area this weekend it was a chance for land owners to take care of burn piles.  Air quality returned to good with rain and overnight winds and is expected to stay in the healthy range through the weekend.

Rain Expected To Be Heavy

Heavy rains are expected along the coast for the today and tomorrow with the potential of heavy flooding in streams and creeks.  The National Weather Service is predicting up to 7 inches for the coast and even into the cascades.  There is a high likelihood of the heavy rains but the NWS is not specific of the timing, amounts and specific watersheds that will be affected.

Toys for Tots

Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue will once again host the Marines Toys for Tots in Florence at the main station on highway 101.  The distribution will be on Saturday December 10th.  last year the program distributed to 228 children and over 100 families.  This year parents and guardians will be allowed to pick up toys for their children.  Toys are available for all income ranges.  There is a link on the fire website at for more information or to sign up for toys.

Election Transparency

With all of the controversy surrounding the elections this year the Lane County Elections will be streaming a youtube video where people can watch the processing of the election ballots.  Lane County Clerk Dena Dawson says this is part of the 8 step process.  She says voters can look at the schedule of events, review descriptions and follow the process online in real time.  The guide to the 8 step process can be found at  That will also take you to the link to the youtube channel that will handle the broadcast.