City Council Approves Grant Money; Consent Agenda Approved; Mapleton School Board; Paid Leave Tax

City Council Approves Grant Money

Last night the Florence city Council approved the acceptance of a grant of $80,000 from Lane County Public health to support upgrades in the Miller Park play ground area.  The project itself will be over 200,000 dollars but money has already been received from another grant and some public donations.  Leaving the city about 45, 000 dollars needed to complete the upgrades.  A caveat comes with the acceptance of the public health money in the form of supporting the park as a tobacco and smoke free zone.  Public works director Mike Miller says the policy would include all parks that have play areas for children.

“What we’re thinking of right now and the way that the policy is written is looking at the improved parks that have play structures in them. So Miller Park, Munsel Road Park, Pepper Oaks, Singing Pines and 18th Street Pocket Park.”

The policy must be approved in order to receive the funds from Lane County.  The council took little time to consider the choices and agreed that the policy would be good for the youth in Florence. Mayor Joe Henry did ask if this would be an enforceable policy.

“Does that mean that we’re going to…(mike Miller)we’re going to do signage and education, (Mayor Henry) What about imposing a fine? (Miller) not at this time.”

Miller said there were several issues surrounding imposing a fine and staffing was a key one, he says that studies show that peer pressure can be an effective deterrent to tobacco use in such settings.  Miller wanted to be clear that this would not affect areas or parks that did not have play structures, like exploding whale park or the interpretive center.  The councilors unanimously approved the acceptance of the grant and the establishment of the tobacco free non-smoking policy.

Consent Agenda Approved

The City council also unanimously approved the certification of the November elections and the approval of a liquor license for a new establishment locate adjacent to the Mini-pet mart on Highway 101 the 1776 gastro pub.

Mapleton School Board

Tomorrow the Mapleton School District board will meet to look at policy updates as well as discuss the Mapleton Pool, state testing tribal shared history and board goals for the school year.  The school district will meet at Mapleton High School at 6pm.  The meeting will also be live-streamed on you tube.

Paid Leave Tax

In January employers will be required to begin withholding  contributions to Paid Leave Oregon.  The program is administered by the Oregon Employment Department.  The payments will be made to the Oregon Department of Revenue as a quarterly contribution.  Paid Leave Oregon is intended to provide families the ability to have the time and support they need to care for themselves or their loved ones in times of need.