Mother’s Decision Remains the Same; School Budget; Farmer’s Market; CROW Livestreaming

Mother’s Decision Remains the Same

The story broke last weekend of the mother who pulled her 12 year old son from the local club baseball team over a blue flag lives matter.  Teri Webb spoke with Coast Radio about her decision.  And while she said she had no ill feelings towards the team or the coach.  She said she believes in people having a right to their own opinion, however…

“how I see it is that everybody can have their viewpoints and that’s fine, just don’t push it on my child.”

Webb said that her and Littlefoot’s coach Rich DeSantis were able to have a lengthy positive conversation after the matter blew up on social media and ultimately picked up by KEZI in Eugene. She said she came away from the conversation with some new perspective.

“I learned from his perspective too, it wasn’t that we sat there arguing when we had a decent conversation.”

Webb said she learned about DeSantis’ daughters service as a police officer, and that she no longer feels in her heart that the coach is racist, but that at the end of the day, she felt it was best not to return her son to the team.  She felt as if there was no firm resolution that could satisfy both of them.  Webb says she wants to keep her son in baseball and are hoping to find a team in Eugene that might contain a little more diversity.

School Budget

The 97J budget committee met last night at Siuslaw Middle School to hear the proposed budget for the coming school year. Superintendent, Andy Grzeskowiak told the 14 member body that while the Oregon legislature has still not finalized the funding for schools in Oregon, this budget proposal is based on estimated figures. It also, he said, represents a shortage of approximately 4.1% from the current service level in the district that would not require any staffing cuts. Expenditures for the coming year are significantly higher than two years ago mainly due to outside, grant funding for several capital improvement projects. The proposed budget expenditures are projected at just over $36.6 million, a $3 million increase from the current budget and a nearly $10 million increase from two years ago. Just over $2 million of that increase will be for a new roof on the 25 year old middle school. Just under $7 million will go towards new heating and ventilating systems, a fiber optic upgrade, and recreational improvements. Those will be funded by the third and final year of the congressionally approved federal elementary and secondary school emergency relief program, also known as ESSER. Some increases will go towards expanding the career and technical education offerings as well as a 3.5% cost of living increase for teachers. The budget committee will meet again April 26 at Siuslaw Middle School for a public hearing on the budget proposal.

Farmer’s Market

It is a little more than a month away, but the organizers of the Florence Farmer’s Market are preparing to set up shop on Tuesdays.  However they wanted the public to know that they will be relocating the market to the popular boardwalk at the Port of Siuslaw parking lot.  Beginning Tuesday May 23rd through October 17th  the market will be open from 3 to 6 pm selling locally sourced products and fresh vegetables, meats and more.  There will also be availability for non-profit organizations that align with the Market’s mission to set up. Information is at

CROW Livestreaming

Opening night for CROW’s production of Spongebob the Musical is tomorrow night and CROW’s Director Melanie Heard wanted the public to know that in addition to seeing the show live and in person there will be the opportunity to stream each of the performances from the privacy of your home.  Performances are set for this weekend April 14th, 15th and 16th as well as next Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Information is available at