Voter Registration Deadline; Political Signs; Fire Insurance Policy Not Renewed; Arbor Day Reedsport

Voter Registration Deadline

The deadline for new voters in Lane County to register and get a ballot for the May 16th Special Districts Election is today (Apr. 25).  It’s too late to submit anything by mail, but unregistered voters can go online at the Lane County Website and complete a new registration before midnight tonight.  To register go to and type “register to vote” in the search bar, then click on the link to “orestar” and follow the steps.  Ballots will be mailed to registered voters beginning this Thursday, April 27th.  They must be returned by May 16th.

Political Signs

There may be more than one reason you see political signs disappearing.  One is that the Oregon department of transportation is removing them from state highway right of ways.  It is a common occurrence during political season.  ODOT reports that they remove hundreds of signs every time there is an upcoming election.  Signs are allowed on private property that are in view of the highways.  Signs are held at district maintenance offices like the one here in Florence.  Signs are prohibited on utility poles, fencing, trees and natural features within highway right of ways. Or within the view of a designated scenic area.

Fire Insurance Policy Not Renewed

After much consideration, Oregon’s State Forester has decided to not renew the Department of Forestry’s firefighting insurance policy with Lloyd’s of London for the 2023-2024 policy year. This policy was first obtained prior to the 1973 fire season to try to mitigate the impacts of wildfire suppression costs for Oregonians. However, over the past decade, longer, more complex, and costlier fire seasons have led to higher premiums and deductibles that lowered the intended mitigating effects of the policy. The decision to not renew the policy has no impact on ODF’s fire season readiness or firefighting capacity.  State Forester Cal Mukumoto says ODF stands ready…to strategically use all resources at their disposal to protect Oregonians and their natural resources.  Mukumoto’s decision comes on the heels of a special meeting of the Emergency Fire Cost Committee, during which the final terms of the policy were presented.

Arbor Day Reedsport

The city of Reedsport will celebrate Arbor Day this Friday with a tree planting event at Henderson Park.  The event will be at 10 am.  The park is located at 9th and Greenwood.