Focus on School Board; Clean-up Efforts; Dunes City Public Hearing; Veneta Man Dies in One Vehicle Collision; Paid Leave Oregon

Focus on School Board

The May 16th Special election is just over two weeks away and while there are several items that apply to western Lane County, the biggest focus seems to be on the Siuslaw School Board.  4 positions are up for re-election and all have opponents.  One of the issues that several of the candidates have brought up is the need for more parental involvement in communication and more.  Josh Haberly of Haberly painting is a parent running for position 5.

“I wanna kind of have a voice for parents and representative that looks at their needs and comes from my perspective as a parent and gives transparency to what’s going on in the school board so they can have input.”

The incumbent for position is Frank Armendariz who was appointed to the position two years ago and wants to continue to serve.

“I think I’m actually in a position where we can actually do more over the next 2 years over the next 4 years that we’ve been able to accomplish in the shadow of the pandemic.”

Position 1 incumbent is Brian Lacouture opposed by Devon Weinstein, position 3 is held by Bob Sneddon and opposed by Tamara Cole, position 7 is held by Dianna Pimlott and is opposed by Jason Wood.  All of the candidates will offer their reasons for running during next week’s Our Town on Coast Radio.

Clean-up Efforts

A follow up to yesterday’s story on the earth day efforts to clean up area beaches.  A group led by Michael and Pat Allen worked on the North Jetty Beach and had over 65 volunteers participate.  Allen says they collected more than 190 pounds of trash.  Twenty of the volunteers were students from Cottage Grove High School organized by the schools Key Club who came by bus to help.

Dunes City Public Hearing

On May 17th Dunes City Council will hold its first public meeting regarding an ordinance that would amend the current Zoning and development code for the city.  The council is considering adopting ordinance 259. Which would replace the current Chapter 155 of the Zoning and development code that deals with land use districts, design standards, application and review procedures and exceptions to code standards.  The meeting will be at 6pm on the 17th at the Dunes City Hall Community Center.

Veneta Man Dies in One Vehicle Collision

Oregon State police say a Veneta man was killed when his Harley Davidson Struck a guardrail while merging onto the beltline freeway in Eugene near Jerry’s Home improvement store.  On Tuesday 63 year old Harlin Grondsdahl succumbed to injuries from the crash at the scene despite the help from other motorists on the scene.

Paid Leave Oregon

Business owners are being reminded that beginning May 1st they will have to include paid Leave Oregon contributions in their payroll reports.  The new contributions cover most of employers and employees in the state however small businesses need only collect and submit employee contributions.