Dunes City Mayor Resigns; Succession Planned; BLM Increases Restrictions

Dunes City Mayor Resigns

A special meeting of the Dunes City Council Wednesday night was called with the scheduled intention of deciding whether or not to ask Dunes City voters their thoughts on whether or not to pursue possible disincorporation.  The 90-minute meeting really never resolved that question and appeared to adjourn at 7:27 PM. But, a few minutes later, Mayor Sheldon Meyer called the meeting back to order to make an unexpected announcement.

“As of tonight I’m resigning as mayor.”

He also said he enjoyed getting to know everyone he has served with over the years, but at nearly 80-years old he is simply – quote – “outa gas”.  Mayor Meyer’s announcement caught everyone in the room off-guard and members of the council were confused as to what to do about filling the vacancy.  Councilor Rory Hammond quickly volunteered to fill it, but Council President Susan Snow said she would do so as well.  In the end, a subcommittee of 3 of the 4 remaining councilors were appointed to interview Snow and Hammond and return to the council with a recommendation.  Councilors Melissa Stinson, Rich Olson and Tom Mallen are expected to do just that.  It wasn’t clear if they would have that recommendation in time for next Wednesday’s regular monthly meeting of the Dunes City Council.

Succession Planned

Mayor Meyer’s resignation this week caught everyone off guard.  This will be the third time in the past few years that the Dunes City Council has had to deal with filling a vacancy in the mayor’s spot.  The City’s charter does say the council president shall fill in for the mayor in their absence.  But, it also says, in the case of a permanent vacancy, it “shall be filled by appointment” and requires a majority vote of the remaining council.  Because the charter does not spell out a specific process it is up to the six remaining elected officials.  With at least two council members publicly expressing a desire to lead, that means the four remaining councilors can use any way they choose to select a new mayor.  One thing that is certain is that the new mayor of Dunes City will serve in that post until January of 2025 and if they wish to remain in that post they would have to run for election in November of next year.

BLM Increases Restrictions

The Bureau of Land Management has enacted tougher restrictions for its areas along the northwest region of Oregon.  Beginning today campfires will be prohibited including in developed campgrounds.  This weekend’s hotter, dryer forecast is one of the reasons for adding the restrictions.  With temperatures that could reach the upper 80’s in the Florence area and temperatures in the mid to upper 90’s expected for areas like Newport, Dennis Teitzel the BLM’s Northwest District Manager says they are doing what they can to prevent human caused fires.  He says that visitors can still use portable propane and other bottled fuels with a cutoff valve.  Smoking is also prohibited except in vehicles, designated areas or on the water.  It is also a requirement that visitors carry at least one gallon of water or a 2.5 pound fire extinguisher. As well as a shovel and an axe.