Dunes City Chooses Mayor; More Councilors Needed; County Seeking Committee Members

Dunes City Chooses Mayor

The four remaining members of the Dunes City Council took action Wednesday night to appoint a new mayor.  The former mayor, Sheldon Meyer, had stepped down in August.  Initially two councilors had expressed interest in the appointment for the rest of his term that runs through the end of 2024.  Both of them however:  Council President Susan Snow; and councilor Rory Hammond; removed their names from consideration last month.  Hammond also resigned from the council following the September 20th meeting saying the group was – quote— “dysfunctional”.  As of the closing of the application period September 15th only one qualified applicant remained. That was Ed McGuire, a member of the city’s Planning Commission since February of this year.   He was approved unanimously and will be sworn in at the November 15th meeting.  Due to a previous commitment, McGuire was not in attendance at this weeks meeting, nor was he available for comment.

More Councilors Needed

The application and appointment process is not over yet for the remaining Dunes City Councilors.  In addition to Rory Hammond stepping down another resignation has been submitted.  Bob Orr stepped down because of his professional work load.  Orr said he knows there is a “lot going on” at Dunes City, but he opted to step aside in favor of someone else who can be more effective.  Qualified Dunes City residents have until the end of the business day Wednesday, November 8th, to submit an application.

County Seeking Committee Members

County Administrator Steve Mokrohisky says Lane County is looking for individuals to serve on a limited duration public safety funding task force as they seek long-term solutions to funding public safety.  The task force will take on the work of helping to identify solutions to what he is calling a longstanding lack of funding for some of the most basic public safety services provided by the county.  One of the top concerns is the Lane County Sheriff’s office that has limited resources especially in rural areas.  There is also concerns for the office of the District Attorney and community Justice to name a few.  The task force will be made up of 9 to 11 individuals.  There will only be one person chosen specifically by Ryan Ceniga for his district, but others could be drawn from a local pool by the county administrator.  There are only 3 qualifications for the appointment.  You must be a full-time resident of Lane County, at least 18 years of age, and provide a cover letter addressing their interest in the task force and what you believe makes you qualified to serve.  Interested parties can contact the county public information officer Devon Ashbridge for more information at 541-682-4526.