Shake Alert Gets Updated Sensors; Increased DUII Enforcement Begins Today; City Council Meeting Monday; Election Deadline Passed

Shake Alert Gets Updated Sensors

The threat of a potential major earthquake along the Oregon Coast has been looming for decades, but more recently came under close scrutiny after a New York Times article 8 years ago detailed the possibility of a quake and the lack of preparedness some cities and town faced.  In the years since the U.S.G.S. has undertaken an alert system that would provide an early warning to inhabitants along the coast and inland.  The Shake Alert warning system has been operational since 2019, but recently received an upgrade that would even provide additional seconds to prepare. New sensors can measure how far the ground moves and whether it goes up and down or sideways.  It also collects and distributes data from a real-time global navigation satellite system.  The USGS hopes to have more than 2000 sensors in place by 2025. Residents can get alerts on their smartphone.  Iphone users can go to settings/notifications/government alerts and make sure the Emergency Alert is active.  Android users may have different instructions depending on carriers, but can download the MyShake ap making sure that location settings are turned on.

Increased DUII Enforcement Begins Today

Beginning today through Labor Day the Florence Police Department along with Lane County sheriff’s office and the Oregon State Police will be actively looking for impaired drivers.  The federally funded enforcement is intended to keep impaired drivers off the road.  The city of Florence Police Department received enforcement grant funds for the DUII campaign.  Beginning on Monday, there will also be an increased focus on child restraints and seat belts according to a city press release.

City Council Meeting Monday

The Florence City Council will meet on Monday evening with several items on their agenda including a consideration to approve an Oregon Business Development Department Grant in the amount of 1.9 million dollars for infrastructure expansion.  In conjunction with that grant the city will also consider approving an engineering proposal in the amount of $262,500 for phase one of a 9th street neighborhood project.  Agenda for the meeting is available at

Election Deadline Passed

The deadline has passed for application of potential city council and mayoral positions for the November Election.  Mayor Rob Ward will run unopposed for his seat.  Councilor Sally Wantz and councilor Bill Meyer will run again with one new candidate, Mark Brennan.  The top two vote getters will win the seats.