HYAK Expansion
The expansion of high speed internet in the form of fiber contintues throughout the Siuslaw Region. Hyak CEO Robbie Wright says the latest addition to the network is Mapleton.
“so Mapleton has historically been very underserved from an internet perspective and so Mapleton we have the first folks on there, the school district is online now.”
He says they have agreements in place and permits completed for the north end of Rhododendron and the entirety of Heceta Beach Road. He says the current focus on installations is the eastern side of Highway 101 including Florentine estates and coastal Village with the next phase heading south.
“we’re getting ready to stick the first shovel in the ground south of the bridge, it should happen at the end of this month actually.”
Executive VP of Operations, Neil Ecker says along with fiber technology there are some other advances coming out that will increase in home use, such as wifi 7.
“it will allow 100% wireless connectivity at a gig rate or higher.”
All the work in the region is part of an 18 million dollar expansion. Wright says they are working to cover from Siltcoos to Sutton.
Trail Runs
The Florence area welcomes long-distance trail runners this Saturday for the fifth Oregon Dunes Trail Run. Jeremy Long, owner of Daybreak Racing and a 1986 Siuslaw graduate, says there will be three races: a 50K starting at 8 AM from Tahkenitch Campground, a 20-mile race at 7 AM from Siltcoos Outlet, and a 12K at 9 AM from the same location.
“We get a good draw, vast majority are out of towners and definitely wanted to host this event in a feasible time of the year that, you know where the dunes are still kind of wet from the winter rain and so it’s more runnable. Kind of in that shoulder time of year.”
Daybreak Racing also hosts the Horse Creek Trail Run in May and the Perpetua Run in October. Long highlights the event’s local impact:
“It’s important for me to add that we donate some of our event proceeds to the Siuslaw High School Track and Cross Country program and they like to participate in the event either as runners or helping host the aid stations.”
All three races finish at West Woahink Meeting Hall after crossing the sky bridge at Honeyman State Park.
Lane County Board of Commissioners
The Lane County Board of Commissioners will review several routine items on its Consent Calendar during its March 11 meeting. The Consent Calendar includes approving minutes from previous meetings, delegating authority for a $750,000 subgrant amendment to aid McKenzie Valley disaster recovery, and appointing Antony Abel to the Blue River Park & Recreation District Board. The board will also approve multiple contracts in Health and Human Services and Public Works, including a $4.7 million agreement with Scarsella Bros., Inc. for infrastructure improvements. If commissioners wish to discuss any item further, it will be removed for separate consideration. For a full agenda and meeting details, visit Lane County’s website.