Author: George Henry

Siuslaw River Bridge

Commissioners Mull Financial Concerns; Fire Safety; Humane Society Event; Radio Auction

Commissioners Mull Financial Concerns West Lane County Commissioner Ryan Ceniga came away from last week’s federal funding confusion feeling positive.  The Board of Commissioners discussed how to handle the uncertainty when it comes to operations of several “Federally Qualified Health Centers” overseen by Lane County Public Health. “We will continue […]

Homeless Count; Accident Temporarily Closes 126; North Bend Woman Dies in Fire; ODFW Gathering Input

Homeless Count Lane County Human Services, along with several community partners, will be conducting the annual Homeless Point-In-Time count today and tomorrow. A news article published on the agency’s website in June of last year estimated that tonight’s count could be close to 43 hundred. That item has since been […]

Bill to Address Hunger in Undocumented Children; Gas Prices; Government Grant Program Opens; City of Florence Committee Positions Available

Bill to Address Hunger in Undocumented Children In the face of rising hunger across the state, new legislation would extend food assistance benefits to undocumented children and older adults. Recent data shows 1 in 6 kids in Oregon and Southwest Washington face food insecurity, with rates growing twice as fast […]