Author: George Henry

Volleyball Results; Weekend Schedule

Volleyball Results: Siuslaw swept Brookings Harbor in 3 games 25-17, 25-8, 25-7 Mak York led the team with 10 Kills and Emma Collins, Mia Collins, and Alyssa Richards each contributed 4 kills each.  And according to coach Hornung, setters, Aylenne Vasquez and Kendal Robinson both played really well and did […]

XC Runs First Meet; Volleyball Heads South

Cross Country Makes A First Impression Tugman state park was the scene of the Crime.  The Siuslaw Vikings Cross Country team stole the show yesterday as both the boys and girls teams won their meet.  The boys defeated Bandon 49-50.  With sophomore Brendon Jensen finishing third overall for a personal […]

Coast Radio Daily News

First Responders Week; The Beat Goes On; No Pot Sales For Dune City; Air Quality Improves

Governor Proclaims First Responders Week With the many fires burning within the state and resources stressed to the max, Governor Kate Brown has issued a proclamation naming the week of the 24th of September as First Responders Appreciation Week.  The proclamation is in gratitude of all of the state’s first […]

Coast Radio Daily News

Siuslaw Watershed Council Fundraiser; Rip City Rips Through Town; Boys and Girls Club Teaches Money Skills; Gas Prices Still Up

Watershed Council Raising Money for Operating Costs The Siuslaw Watershed Council is having a fundraiser to raise money for operating expenses.  The watershed Council is currently operating it’s projects through grant money that it receives from approximately 30 grants, but Dan Carpenter with the Siuslaw Watershed council says that money […]

Coast Radio Daily News

School Board Assesses Building Options; Fire In Deadwood; Peace Health Town Hall; Rip City Hits Town

School Weighs Construction Options The Siuslaw School Board will hold their monthly meeting tomorrow at 6:30 at the offices on Oak Street.  This month there will be an update on the options for creating new school spaces, whether it be upgrading current classrooms, adding on to current structures or building […]