Measure 20-362 On the November Ballot there is a Measure that would approve a Charter Amendment that would change the way redistricting for the county would be determined. The current way allows for commissioners to hand pick individuals for a committee that would return recommendations. Supporters of measure 20-362 want […]
Florence Oregon News
National Public Lands Day; Every 15 Minute Event; Artists Wanted; Gas Prices
National Public Lands Day The fourth Saturday in September has been set aside as “National Public Lands Day”. Day-use access fees are waived, and people are encouraged to get out and enjoy nature. This Saturday happens to be the fourth Saturday and Julia Johannes says there is more to it […]
Gun Rumor Unfounded; Paving for Realignment Project; Speeding on Rhododendron
Gun Rumor Unfounded Rumors quickly ran through Siuslaw Middle School last week of a student that was planning on bringing a gun on the school property after being involved in a fight. The rumors spread to social media with several posts saying they heard of the story. The school sent […]
Despain Visits Florence; DEV-NW Grant; Parade Marshals
Despain Visits Florence The Republican candidate for the district 4 congressional seat was in Florence on Saturday to knock on doors and to speak with constituents. Monique DeSpain says she is a candidate that will stick up for Oregon and specifically Oregon law. A retired colonel in the US Air […]
Vaccination; Information Requests; Library Events
Vaccination As the 2024-2025 respiratory virus season gets under way, statewide infectious disease experts urge everyone in Oregon to Risk Less. Do More. in alignment with a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) national vaccination campaign. Melissa Sutton, M.D., Oregon Health Authority (OHA) medical director for respiratory viral pathogens says immunizations […]
Hotel Looking at 2025; Charter School Contract Signed; Vintage Trailer Showing; Holiday Healthy Eating
Hotel Looking at 2025 Matt Braun with Braun Hospitality says that they are at the halfway point towards their goal of 4.75 million dollars to fully fund the Wyndham Microtel on Quince Street. To date they have commitments from 9 investors at 2.33 million dollars. Braun says there are about […]
Accident Investigation; Florence Forward Event; Gas Prices; Hotel Update; Yard Debris/Recycling Collections
Accident Investigation It was a motor vehicle accident that happened almost a week ago, but information was just released last night by the Oregon State Police. The wreck on Friday on Highway 101 south of Florence held up traffic for 3 hours as police, fire and ambulance assisted the injured […]
DMV Mistake; Sunday’s Power Outage; FURA Meeting; Tourism Survey
DMV Mistake A Mistake by the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles resulted in 11 non-citizens being registered to vote in Lane County. The DMV notified the Lane County Elections Office with the information. Lane County Elections conducted an audit and determined that none of the 11 people earmarked received a […]