Cost Cap on Prescriptions Coming Tens of thousands of Oregonians are expected to see savings next year when prescription drug costs are capped, according to a new report from A-A-R-P. Starting in 2025, out-of-pocket prescription costs for people in enrolled in the Medicare drug plan will top out at two-thousand […]
Florence Oregon News
City Council Meeting; Lane County Vehicle Auction; Stormwater Management
City Council Meeting After a brief break the Florence City Council is slated to be back at city hall on Monday evening. On the agenda are a couple of proclamations recognizing POW/MIA’s, Constitution week and the Coast Busters Walk for Breast Cancer. They will also have a public hearing for […]
Charter School Contract Approved; Florence Festival of Books; Winter Music Festival Update; Trailblazers Come to Florence
Charter School Contract Approved Directors of the Siuslaw School District ratified a contract last night with the Whitmore Classical Academy charter school. The vote came after several weeks of meetings between board representatives of both 97J and the Whitmore Academy. It was not a unanimous vote however as board vice […]
Ballot Measure 117; Recycling Event; City Meetings; Sex Offender Sought
Ballot Measure 117 Oregon voters will decide on a potential change to the state’s electoral system in November. If passed, Measure 117 would create a ranked choice voting system in federal and statewide elections and give cities and counties the ability to adopt this type of voting system as well. […]
Chip Seal Projects; Another Pedestrian Enforcement Operation; Library Art Show; Viking Hour
Chip Seal Projects The City of Florence has two planned projects to complete this week weather dependent. The first is a chip seal of the section of Quince Street that runs between Highway 126 and Highway 101. The road will be closed today during the day and no parking is […]
OPB Online Loan Portal; SOS Clothing Glut; Dune Restoration; DeSpain Meet
OPB Online Loan Portal Oregon Pacific Bank is introducing a new way for local businesses to get financing. OPB is offering an online portal for beginning the loan process. OPB President Ron Green says it is a unique way for small businesses to seamlessly apply for loans. “We’re finding that […]
News for 9-4-24: Library District Special Meeting; Hot Weather for Mapleton; Realignment Progress; Meet and Greet for Candidate DeSpain; State Parks to Consider Price Increase
Library District Special Meeting This Friday the Siuslaw Public Library District Board of Directors will hold a special meeting. On the agenda will be a discussion of their free speech policy. The meeting will be at 11am. The board was unable to reach a quorum for their August meeting and […]
Summit to Focus on Coastal Issues; Pet Fashion Show; Vendor Fair Finally; LCC Travel Opportunities
Summit to Focus on Coastal Issues Coming up in October the Oregon Coast Visitors Association will be holding its annual end of season summit here in Florence. Travel Lane County’s Andy Vobora says the two day summit will focus on several topics. “People will be able to experience from important […]