Florence Oregon News

Port of Siuslaw

Young Professionals Meet; Soroptimist Honored; Labor Force Grows Older; WLEOG – Disaster preparedness

Young Professionals Meet The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce is looking to broaden opportunities for young professionals in the community by offering a Young Professionals group.  According to President and CEO Bettina Hannigan it is a chance to bring individuals together that would otherwise not be connected.  The social gathering […]

First Citizen Nominees; Boil Water Notice – Mapleton; Food Share Grant; Keeping Cool

First Citizen Nominees The List is out on the potential Florence First Citizens.  This year there are three nominees for the heralded award.  Jenna Bartlet, Dan Lofy and Bonnie McDuffie.  Jenna Bartlet is the owner of Siuslaw Consulting Services and has served on numerous committees and organizations, including the Florence […]

High Fire Conditions; Realignment Project; Gas Prices; No Personal Fireworks Dunes City

High Fire Conditions Today marks the beginning of High Fire Danger throughout the region.  Chief Michael Schick with Western Lane Fire and EMS sent out the notice yesterday.  Extreme heat and dry conditions precipitated the announcement.  Chief Schick says it is very important to be careful with fireworks, and in […]

Cyber Attack Drills Recent cyber attacks against well established business around the nation has caused concern for those on whom an attack could be catastrophic.  That is why last week PeaceHealth network including Peace Harbor Medical Center conducted cyber attack drills on our local hospital and system wide.  Shaina Hogan […]