Florence Oregon News

Rhody Drive Construction; Future First Citizen; Memorial Weekend Travel; PeaceHealth and ONA Agree; Seatbelt Education

Rhody Drive Construction The city of Florence is continuing the construction on Rhododendron Drive this week and city manager Erin Reynolds says the realignment is in full progress.  With Rhododendron Weekend upcoming she says it is important to share the information with others that may be visiting. “Areas where it […]

Siuslaw River Bridge

State Settles Wireless Suit; Sold Out Crowd for Coronation; Online Billpay Changes; Rhody Days Parking; National Police Week

State Settles Wireless Suit State Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum announced yesterday that the state has agreed to a settlement with a list of wireless carriers as part of a 50-jurisdiction agreement.  The state will receive just under 400,000 dollars from 6 different carriers that were found to have used deceptive […]

Heceta Beach Road Flooding; Wildfire Awareness Month; Coronation; Land Sale Approved; Reimbursement District Approved

Heceta Beach Road Flooding The underlying cause of flooding on Heceta Beach Road near Rhododendron Drive has not been officially noted, but Public Works Director Mike Miller says they believe it was possibly a beaver dam or some restricting dike that gave way.  What he did say is that we […]