Florence Oregon News

Siuslaw River Boardwalk

Ice Storm Cleanup Scheduled for Hwy 36; Popular Crabbing Dock Damaged; New Time – Route Added for Link-Lane; Child Safety Seat Clinic

Ice Storm Cleanup Scheduled for Hwy 36 Work on the cleanup following a severe ice storm in January is still going on.  Efforts on Highway 36 between Mapleton and Junction City have been making headway, but over the next two weeks travelers in the Deadwood area should expect delays and […]

Food Backpacks for Kids; Trauma Intervention Program Seeks Volunteers; Affordable Housing Increase

Food Backpacks for Kids As we slowly move towards summer we are reminded of the struggles some families have keeping their children fed when school is out, but many children struggle throughout the school year too.  Food Backpacks for Kids is a program that provides students prepackaged meals that they […]

Siuslaw River Bridge

Daily Flights From North Bend; Public Arts Committee; Spring Break; Willamette Heritage Center Exhibit

Daily Flights From North Bend Daily flights between San Francisco and North Bend resume this weekend. Stephanie Kilmer with the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport says it’s a sign that usage of the facility is on the rise. “We are getting a lot more people that are flying commercially.  And it’s […]

Boats on the Port of Siuslaw

Mapleton School Board Meeting; Crochet Club; Yachats Annual Art Fair

Mapleton School Board Meeting February’s  Mapleton School Board Meeting opened to a packed house of community members concerned over a recently updated policy of inclusiveness that outlined how students should be treated in various situations including race, sexual preference and gender identification.  According to Mapleton School Superintendent Sue Wilson who […]

Confusion Erupts Over Fitness Paper; Search and Rescue Training; Spring Break-Gas Prices

Confusion Erupts Over Fitness Paper A lot of “buzz” has been circulating on social media the past several days in the Mapleton area.  Some online are claiming teachers in Mapleton schools have been asking kids, as young as third graders, about their sexual preferences.  Sue Wilson, the Superintendent of the […]