Other News

NW Sports from the AP

Date: 04/30/2013 05:29 AM NW–SportsMinute/182 Here is the latest Washington, Oregon and Alaska sports news from The Associated Press   AP () – – The Kings finally appear to be staying put in California’s capital city of Sacramento. The NBA’s relocation committee voted unanimously yesterday to recommend that owners reject […]

Business Break Ins Surge; Port Candidate Throws Support to Opponent; School Lockdown Lesson: Communication

29 April 2013 Police say there’s been a surge in business burglaries… At least five business break-ins and one attempted burglary are currently under investigation in Florence.  Police Lieutenant John Pitcher says there’s definitely been a “spike” in activity.  One sad fact of the matter… Lt. John Pitcher – “Somebody […]

Two new Siuslaw Records; Central Coast Invitational results; Far West baseball and softball; and Pac-12 baseball results

Five Siuslaw athletes saw action at the 49th annual Centennial Invitational track and field meet in Portland over the weekend… two of those set new school records in their events, erasing previous marks that they had set themselves. Katy Potter finished third in the elite 3,000 meters with a time […]

1st Oregon News Minute from the AP

Date: 04/29/2013 03:59 AM OR–1st NewsMinute/242 Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press   SALEM, Ore. (AP) – Salem police are investigating lewd, racist graffiti found on Judson Middle School this weekend. The Statesman-Journal says the graffiti was painted over or scrubbed off by yesterday. Sgt. Alan […]

NW Sports from the AP

Date: 04/29/2013 05:29 AM NW–SportsMinute/212 Here is the latest Washington, Oregon and Alaska sports news from The Associated Press   SEATTLE (AP) – Jason Bay and Michael Morse hit solo home runs, leading the Seattle Mariners over the Los Angeles Angels 2-1 yesterday. The Mariners won three of four from […]