
Local News: Local Man Wins Major Regional Recognition; Verger Recaps Legislative Career on Our Town; Watershed Studies Could Shape Forest Practices; Gas Prices Dip, But Still At Near Record Levels

Central Lincoln PUD Manager Wins Major Award You could say electricity is in Gary Nieborsky’s blood.  A quick look at his family tree shows a heritage of involvement in power production and distribution that goes back several generations… and shows no sign of stopping.  That could be why the Central […]

Viking Sports

Siuslaw Track and Field Siuslaw’s Hayden Schaffner ran the fastest time in the 800 meters Saturday evening at the Jim Robinson Pepsi Twilight meet in Roseburg. Schaffner’s 1:56.24 was not only the best at the meet, but the best in Oregon so far this season in any class.  Schaffner along […]

2nd Oregon News Business

AP-OR–2nd NewsMinute/269 Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Salem police say a man is hospitalized in critical condition after running into traffic on Oregon Highway 22 in an apparent effort to be hit by passing vehicles. Police identified the man late last […]

Siuslaw Softball Schedule

2018 Siuslaw Softball Schedule Type Date Time Home Team Away Team Location Non-League 3/16/2018 4pm Siuslaw Sutherlin Siuslaw High School Non-League 3/20/2018 4pm Sutherlin Siuslaw Sutherlin High School Non-League 3/23/2018 5pm Siuslaw Sweet Home Siuslaw High School Non-League 3/24/2018 4pm Siuslaw Yamhill-Carlton Siuslaw High School Non-League Tournament 3/26/2018 1pm Pleasant […]

Local News: Legislature Striving for Completion; Japanese Debris; Marine Storm Warnings; Local Sports

Oregon Legislature making final push… Oregon lawmakers will make one final push this week to find an agreement that would allow all of them to declare victory and leave Salem before Wednesday’s self-imposed deadline.  With the budget and Governor John Kitzhaber’s Medicaid reform plan all but crossed off the list, […]