It was a typical September Tuesday morning ten years ago… at least until the first jet crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Within minutes another had slammed into the other tower; a third into the Pentagon; and a fourth… United Flight 93… crashed into a field in rural Pennsylvania. Hundreds of firefighters responded to what came to be known as Ground Zero in New York, trying to help as many people as they could. 343 of those firefighters didn’t make it out. They and the other victims of that terror attack will be remembered Sunday morning in Florence.
John Buchanan: “We’re going to have a flag raising at eight o’clock in the morning, and our firefighters are going to turn out in their protective clothing, in their turnouts, because that’s they way their brothers, they lost their brothers. And then we’ll raise the flag to full staff and then pull it down to half staff”(click here to listen to quote)
Siuslaw Valley Fire Chief John Buchanan said the ceremony will be at the main fire station on Highway 101.