Lawsuit filed by Former City Employee
The Florence City Council will start things off this evening with a closed executive session in consultation with legal counsel about a $450-thousand lawsuit filed by a former police officer. Terry Walton was hired in 2007. He alleges he was dismissed in August of this year after taking time off for a chronic spinal condition. He’s seeking nearly a half-million dollars for emotional stress and back pay. He also wants to be reinstated. In the suit Walton also alleges that he was harassed by police officials after receiving permission to wear special suspenders that would help with his back problem.
The Council will review the allegations in the suit for the first time as a body. Later this evening the council will discuss the City Manager transition process. Current City Manager Bob Willoughby will be leaving to take a similar position in Silverton at the end of this month. He’s endorsed assistant City Manager Jacque Betz as his replacement and the council has already gone on record as endorsing that plan. The private executive session begins at 6:30… the public session begins at seven.
The Florence City Council will conduct a hearing this evening on a proposal to create a separate and distinct zoning district for Coast Village. The neighborhood was originally developed as a private campground but has evolved over the years to include several full time residences. City staff is recommending approval of the new zoning requirements which would adapt the rules to better fit that actual development. Public comment will be taken tonight.
Light up a Life
This past year Peace Harbor Hospice has served the needs of nearly 15-hundred families by caring for a loved one during their final days. Family members and friends can remember that special someone this Saturday from two to 3:30 PM at the Florence Events Center during the annual “Light Up a Life” remembrance. With each donation received that day, an inscribed star will be placed on a lighted tree at the center.
Night Operations
The Oregon Air National Guard will be conducting routine night flying training again this week. Beginning this evening and through Thursday night F-15 fighters from the 142nd Air Wing in Portland will be conducting night-fueling exercises and other tactics and procedures. Major Linda Lepore says all operations will be completed by eight pm.