Following the August resignation Mark Freeman as the Port of Siuslaw’s Manager, the port commission sought and hired his replacement. A day later that signed agreement fell through. Round two of the national search will now be under taken according to Port President, Jon Buchanan, who said they need someone who can interact with senators and local representatives…
208 “ Because we are a agency that uses a lot of federal grants to do our job and keeping our channel clear and keeping the dredging going.”
Not only is the Port Manager expected to interact with politicians, write grants, and run the port’s day-to-day operations, but they’ll get their hands dirty too…
209 “We’re kinda looking for an all purpose person that can do anything and really, and really get real close with the employees so that our objectives of the port – keep the port going, are being met regularly.”
The Port of Siuslaw Commissioners meet today, not only to map out the search for a new port manager, but to discuss several urgent projects on the near horizon.
A couple of earthquakes were recorded within a fault line that leaves Cape Mendocino in Northern California and then run parallel with theOregonCoast. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a 3,0 magnitude quake occurred at 4:35 p.m., 153 miles south to southwest of Eureka, CA Wednesday, Jan. 4, followed by a 3.2 magnitude quake Thursday, Jan. 5, at 3:41am., 158-miles west of the Humboldt Co. Seat.
Eugene police say a 50-year-old man who walked in front of a slow-moving freight train was struck and killed. Officers say the train was traveling about 25 mph Thursday afternoon and the rail crossing arms were down. Sgt. Ron Tinseth says witnesses report the man waited for the train to get close, then stepped in front of it. The victim was not immediately identified.
A Portland-based airline that gets subsidies and incentives to provide regional flights has made some communities unhappy by ending service. The Oregonian reports SeaPort Airlines in the last year stopped service to Newport, Astoria and Salem in Oregon and dropped an Idaho Falls-Boise route. Newport Mayor Mark McConnell says towns should be leery of providing help to get SeaPort to add flights. A SeaPort vice president, Tim Sieber, says the service has to be profitable, and the airline is changing its strategy. It has also eliminated its 3-year-old Portland-Seattle flights as of Jan. 27. Its expansion plans include North Bend in Oregon and Yakima and Wenatchee in Washington state.