Power of Florence Set to Return
Last year on one Saturday in July hundreds of local residents pitched in to help out their favorite project. The day was called the “Power of Florence” and the idea was to get as many people helping out on a variety of projects… all on the same day. 12-year old Kaylee Graham organized the project last year and she’s heading it up once again.
Kaylee Graham – “We had about 500 people who participated and we had about 31 events.”
Those events ran the gamut from a lemonade stand operated by a five year old boy to bake sales, car washes and even brush clearing. Graham says she hopes to see those types of activities again, but anything is possible. She and her parents, Todd and Shannon Graham, are encouraging potential participants to sign up in advance.
Kaylee Graham – “They can do that on my facebook page, that’s Power of Florence, or they can do it on my website which is Power of Florence dot com.”
Another group will be in Florence doing good things that day… an estimated 500 members of the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints, plan to build a 40-thousand square foot dog park on Kingwood Street as well as rebuild and install playground equipment at the 18th Street Pocket Park.
Dunes City Council to Hold Special Session
Dunes City Councilors will meet later this afternoon in a special closed executive session to review legal advice. The Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals recently sent a decision back to the council saying they had not followed proper procedure in repealing a septic tank inspection ordinance.
The action negated the decision in November 2011 to replace the inspection program with a voluntary education program. The council will meet at Dunes City Hall at 5:30 this evening and could take action in public session following consultations.
Japanese Debris Causing Concern
There have already been several confirmed instances of debris from last year’s deadly Japanese tsunami washing up on West Coast beaches. Groups that routinely pick up trash along beaches in the Northwest have noted an increase in the amount of trash. Scientists in Southeast Alaska are conducting an intensive study of beaches in that area this week. Concerns range from invasive species to radioactivity. In response to the latter, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department has added two Geiger counters that will be used by beach rangers. One official said they’re mostly intended to reassure the public. They’ve both seen extensive use in the past two weeks and no radiation has been detected in any of the debris.
Wings and Wheels
For the fourth year in a row cars and airplanes will come together for one day on the apron at Florence Municipal Airport. It’s the annual Wings and Wheels Fly-in and Car Show. More than 20 different organizations and clubs will have displays for the June 30th event, including antique military vehicles, British cars, hot rods and even radio controlled aircraft. Emergency equipment will also be on display and, it’s hoped, dozens of aircraft from outside the area will fly in for the day. Gates open at ten AM on the 30th. The event is organized by the Florence-Siuslaw Lions Club.