Fewer Calls on Dunes… but more severe…
Two serious crashes on the dunes over the weekend resulted in helicopter life-flights from the sand. Friday afternoon a motorcycle and a four-wheel off-highway-vehicle collided near New Competition Hill just west of Honeyman State Park. 46-year old Craig Owens of McMinnville suffered what appeared to be severe chest injuries in the crash. A helicopter was called to med-evac him to River Bend Hospital in Springfield where a Lane County Sheriff’s Deputy said his injuries weren’t as significant as originally feared. A second crash in the same area Saturday involved a single ATV. 26 year old Chassity Mosely was also dispatched to River Bend via helicopter. Her hometown and condition aren’t available.
Siuslaw Valley Fire Marshall Sean Barrett said medics and firefighters responded to a total of nine calls over the weekend. Barrett also noted that the number and frequency of emergency calls on the dunes has dropped “dramatically” over the past three years, but unfortunately, the severity of the calls they do respond to has been increasing.
Black and White
Get out the black and white next month… The Florence Environmental Management Advisory Committee will be hosting a “semi-formal” affair.
No, you won’t have to wear a tuxedo, but if you have any tires, propane tanks or appliances… black, white or any other color for that matter… that you want to get rid of; August 18th will be the day. Those items typically aren’t accepted at waste transfer facilities, or there can be a significant charge to dispose of them.
EMAC members and Florence City Staff will be accepting small and large appliances, used tires and empty propane tanks at the Siuslaw High School parking lot between nine and one that day.
Coast Guard Birthday on Our Town
222 years ago this week Congress established the Revenue Cutter Service; a fleet of ten small boats charged with patrolling the eastern seaboard of the United States. Over the course of more than two centuries the mission and fleet has expanded to the modern day U.S. Coast Guard.
One of the senior-most members of the Guard’s small boat force, Master Chief Boatswain’s Mate James Clemons will be on Coast Radio’s Our Town tomorrow afternoon. Clemons is the “Ancient Keeper” for the entire 30-thousand-plus member force. He’s also the officer in charge of the Coast Guard Station Umpqua River in Winchester Bay. He’ll be joined on Our Town by Senior Chief Brent Zado and Chief Petty Officer Kyle Betts; the Officer in Charge and Executive Officer of Siuslaw River Station. Our Town airs on 106.9 tomorrow afternoon from four to six pm.
Watch those center and fog lines later this week. A crew from Lane County will be working on behalf of the City of Florence striping several area streets and roadways. Officials urge motorists to be aware that it takes a while for the fresh paint to dry, please refrain from driving on them if you wind up behind the crew. They also say if you do get paint on your vehicle, wash it immediately with warm soapy water and you’ll be ok.
Siuslaw Athletic Booster Dinner and Auction
Preparations are under way for the annual Siuslaw Athletic Booster Club Dinner and Auction at the Florence Events Center this Saturday evening. The event will follow the annual Siuslaw Hall of Fame Induction ceremony at 3:30… doors open for dinner at 5:30 and a variety of items, including Oregon Duck Football tickets; five nights in Palm Springs; and a guided salmon fishing trip will be on the auction block. Dinner tickets are only $40 and can be purchased in advance at Coastal Fitness. All proceeds are used to support athletics in the high school and middle school.