25 February 2013
Florence’s Top Volunteer
A ten-year veteran of volunteering at the Florence Events Center who has been heavily involved in the Winter Folk Festival was named the City of Florence’s top volunteer last week.
Hal Weiner was recognized for his work in growing the folk festival… and helping to raise more than $100-thousand for the Friends of the Events Center in the process. It’s not only been the largest fundraising event for the center, but it’s also provided a musical exposure to thousands of elementary school students from the Central Coast region.
Weiner has stepped down from his role as the Folk Festival chair this year, but will continue as the festival’s musical director.
Mayor Nola Xavier hosted hundreds of city volunteers Thursday night at the FEC in the city’s second annual Volunteer Appreciation Night.
Port Vacancy Filled
Long time resident John Murphey has been tabbed to fill a vacancy on the Port of Siuslaw Commission. That decision was made Wednesday evening during the commission’s regular meeting. Murphey, who lost in a write-in campaign last spring to Bill Fleenor, will take over the position held by Joshua Greene. Greene stepped down this month after his election to the Florence City Council. There are just over two years remaining on Greene’s term, but Murphey’s appointment is only through June 30th of this year. The remainder of the term will be filled in the upcoming election in May.
After Hours at the Library
What happens when book lovers let their hair down on a Sunday evening?
Fan Holm – “We think it’s fun to be able to party in the library after hours.”
Fan Holm is a member of the Friends of the Siuslaw Public Library and chair of a fund-raising event for the library’s Book Endowment Fund. It’s coming up Sunday evening at the library.
Fan Holm – “And there are gourmet appetizers and wine and other beverages that are included in the price of a five dollar ticket.”
That will gain entrance to browse the books and bid on any of the more than 50 book-themed gift baskets that have been put together by the Friends. No tickets will be sold at the door… If you want to attend you must buy your tickets in advance at the circulation desk at the library.
Princess For A Season
Who wouldn’t want to be a princess? For five area high school students that could become a reality. Applications for the 106th Rhododendron Festival Court are being accepted by the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce through March 1st. Applications are available at Mapleton and Siuslaw High Schools as well as online at the chamber’s website. The pageant is set for Friday, May 17th during the annual festival.