3 March 2014

City Council Asked to Weigh in on Waste Proposal
A proposal by Lane County to increase the fees charged to commercial waste haulers at the Florence Transfer Site has drawn attention.
Lane County’s Waste Management Division is seeking a ten-dollars-per-ton hike in “tipping fees”, the amount charged to haulers for dumping waste at the transfer site. That increase amounts to about 15-percent and would in turn be passed directly on to consumers.
Members of Florence’s Environmental Management Advisory Committee… EMAC (EE-mak)… are concerned about that. The committee is asking elected officials to endorse that concern, along with others about policies at the transfer site.
EMAC wants the county to hold off on raising the rates; members would also like the city to pursue some changes to operation at the transfer site that could lower costs.
The City Council will review the Lane County proposal and the Environmental Management Advisory Committee comments this evening at City Hall.
Playing the Blame Game in Salem
As of right now, Oregon is the only state in the union without a direct internet site where consumers can access health insurance. A state official told lawmakers in Salem Friday that independent investigators are looking into the failures with the Cover Oregon health insurance exchange, but have not been able to talk to six employees of Oracle, the giant tech company the state had contracted with to develop the site.
Meanwhile, the “blame game” continues as the former Information Director for Cover Oregon in charge of the botched website rollout, spoke out over the weekend. Carolyn Lawson said she is “not to blame”. In turn she pointed fingers at Oracle and also claimed she “repeatedly warned” her superior that the exchange was in trouble.
That superior is Bruce Goldberg, the former number two at Cover Oregon. He is now the interim number-one at the agency. He declined to comment.
The Oregon Legislature is continuing to look into the problems with Cover Oregon… as they also continue to wrap up a 35-day legislative session that is scheduled to adjourn by Sunday.
Lewis and Clark to Make Stop in Florence
208 years after the actual journey, the Corps of Discovery… the Lewis and Clark expedition… will make a return visit to the Oregon Coast and this time they’ll make a side-trip to Florence.
The Corps wintered near what is now Seaside in 1805 and 06 before beginning their return trip up the Columbia River, across the Rockies and back down the Missouri River.
Next week, courtesy of the Seacoast Entertainment Association, students at Siuslaw Elementary School will take on the roles of Merriwether Lewis, William Clark and even Sacagawea as they relive the exploration of the Louisiana Purchase.
SEAcoast board member Jane Rincon says a professional troupe of actors will bring the presentation. She added the kids will be having so much fun they won’t realize all the lessons they’re learning.