27 May 2014

West Lane Race Avoids Runoff
The race for the West Lane Seat on the Lane County Commission appears to be avoiding a runoff. Final, uncertified results, show Jay Bozievich in the lead by 85 votes. Bozievich’s 7,689 votes represent 50-point-one-six percent of the vote, barely enough to put him alone on the November ballot.
The results were released Friday afternoon by the Lane County Elections Department.
In a comment on her Facebook page Friday, challenger Dawn Lesley acknowledged the updated results, but added the race remains close and her “top focus” was to ensure that all ballots be counted correctly. Lesley’s count as of Friday was 7,604.
She ran a strong ‘grass-roots’ campaign, but fell just short of unseating Bozievich in his attempt at a second term.
The results are still unofficial, but the elections office says all votes have been counted and the results will be certified June 9th.
Florence Soldier Dies in Texas Crash
A 24-year old Army medic and former Florence resident was killed over the weekend when the motorcycle he was riding crashed and he was struck by an oncoming car.
Jaia Spear, a 2008 graduate of Siuslaw High School and a former volunteer firefighter with Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue, was stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas. Investigators in El Paso said Spear apparently lost control of his motorcycle, possibly because of his speed.
Memorial Day
A large turnout under sunny skies in Florence yesterday paid respect to soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, and Coast Guardsmen who have fallen in the line of duty.
Veteran’s Park in Old Town Florence was filled beyond capacity to hear the keynote speaker, Chief Petty Officer Kyle Betts from the Siuslaw River Station. The service was hosted by American Legion Post 59, with the assistance of VFW Grimshaw Post 3232 and the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The ceremony concluded with Coast Guard members laying memorial wreathes on the Siuslaw River.