Offering discounts to listeners
More than 140 items will be sold to the highest bidders over the next few days as Coast Radio drops the regular music format for a while Friday and Saturday.
It’s the semi-annual Radio Auction. Merchants barter goods and services for additional advertising time; then those items are auctioned off to listeners. As each item goes on the block, they’re described and listeners are encouraged to call in and bid.
It’s not a charity auction, according to station General Manager Jon Thompson. But there is a benefit. He says it is for the listeners who save money on their purchases. Thompson said the average savings over the past two decades have been just under 50-percent.
A complete list of items are in yesterday’s Siuslaw News. They can also be found at www-dot-KCST-dot-com.
The sale starts in the nine o’clock hour Friday and Saturday.
Listeners are encouraged to pre-register today or early tomorrow morning by calling 997-9136. It doesn’t cost anything to do that, but Thompson said it can speed up your bidding process.
Second body found on area beach
The Douglas County Sheriff’s office is investigating human remains found on the beach about 2 ½ miles north of the Umpqua River entrance yesterday morning.
They were found by a man riding his ATV on the beach about 9:30 near Sparrow Park Road.
Immediate identification was not possible.
The remains have been transported to the State Medical Examiner’s Office for identification; as well as determination of the cause and time of death.
Cheaper to drive
For the first time in seven years the average price for a gallon of regular gas in Oregon has dropped below the two dollar mark. It’s at $1.95 this week. Drivers in Florence have been enjoying prices below that benchmark for several weeks… considerably below that price.
This week’s local average is $1.62… down four cents from last week.
Marie Dodds with Triple-A says the national average price fell by six cents a gallon this week… it’s at $1.73.
Procession and memorial set for slain officer
Flags will fly at half-staff Friday in memory of Seaside police sergeant Jason Goodding. Gooding was shot and killed in the line of duty last week while attempting to serve an arrest warrant. Another officer returned fire and mortally wounded the shooter. Governor Kate Brown said Gooding put the safety of his community first during his 13-years with the Seaside Police Department. A memorial service will be held Friday afternoon, one pm at the Seaside Convention Center. It will be preceded by a procession of emergency vehicles at 11:00. It begins at Camp Rilea in Warrenton, then passes through Gearhart before ending in Seaside. Sergeant Gooding is survived by his wife and two young daughters.
CROW kids hosting Share Your Heart
Already about $61-thousand has been raised to help create a home for the Children’s Repertory of Oregon Workshop in Florence. A capital drive was started last year to raise the $220-thousand needed to pay for their building at 3120 Highway 101. Another $130-thousand is required to pay for remodeling.
CROW Artistic Director Melanie Heard said they’ll be hosting their second annual “Share Your Heart” fundraiser Saturday night at the Florence Events Center. It will feature “Crow Kids” singing “songs from the heart” and showing off their talents.
Heard said there are still a few tickets available for $40 at the FEC box office.