Duck’s Peterson Reflects on Loss
The Ducks fall in their opener at home against the Bruins. Left-Handed hurler David Peterson said ultimately it was the walks that did him in:
“Free bases obviously hurt you and ah they did tonight and that’s why they’re so important no to give them and you can see how they hurt you. Free bases scored and that was the difference in the game right there.”
The Bruins had 6 runners cross the plates for the shutout. They meet for game 2 in their 3 game series tonight at 6 pm
Heimlich Hits Double Digits
The Beaver’s Luke Heimlich won his tenth game, pitching 8 scoreless innings as OSU managed 9 runs on just 6 hits blanking Abilene Christian 9-Zip. Game 2 tonight on KCFM Pre-game at 5pm.
Peace Harbor to Offer Free Physicals
Wednesday, June 7th, PeaceHealth Medical Group in Florence will be providing sports physicals to students for youth grades six through twelve who wish to participate in extracurricular sports. During Sports Physical Day, students will receive a “Sports Pre-Participation Examination.” PeaceHealth Medical Group is contributing medical supplies and the time and expertise of five providers and 10 medical assistants to complete these physicals. It will also include a health history questionnaire covering the student’s medical history of injury, illness and conditions to help ensure any and all conditions are being properly addressed. Sports Physical Day will be at Siuslaw Middle School and they are free to students. Forms are available at the student’s school and must be completed and signed by the student’s parent and/or guardian upon arrival to Sports Physical Day.