Timeline Not Set In Stone…Yet; New Faces In Political Office; Crews Have Week Off; LCSO Special Enforcement Numbers

Timeline Not Set In Stone…Yet

Revision Florence construction is slated to begin in February, but that will be contingent on a couple of factors.  Weather being one and the completion of a walk through that may take some time to accomplish.  City Manager Erin Reynolds says the plan is to begin sometime in February, but the contractor will have to do some study of the plan and visit the site.

“They will be her doing actual walkthroughs in the month of January.”

The contractor, Alex Hodge Construction will be undertaking the 6.4 million dollar project which is expected to take about 9 months to complete.

“They will be the driver of that project once they get their feet on the ground and know what their actual timelines are.”

The city is planning a ground-breaking ceremony once the preliminary work is completed and a firm start date is announced.

New Faces In Political Office

Yesterday was a day of confirmation.  It began in the morning in Eugene where the newly elected officials for the Lane county commission were sworn in.  two new commissioners Heather Buch and Joe Berney were added to the board and Commissioner Jay Bozevich signed on for another term as west lane’s representative.  Here in Florence the newcomer Geraldine Lucio was added as a member of the City Council as the city thanked Susy Lacer for her service.  A reception followed last nights meeting at the Florence Event Center.

Executive Session for School Board

The Siuslaw School board has announced that it will hold a special Executive Session Wednesday evening to discuss the possible dismissal or discipline of an individual or to hear complaints or charges brought against an individual.  This meeting is not a public meeting and media is prohibited from reporting on the details of the meeting until or unless it becomes a matter of public record.  The school board has the option of adjourning and convening a public meeting following the executive session.

Crews Have Week Off

ODOT and construction crews will not be working on the Siuslaw River Bridge this week.  Construction was scheduled to continue in early January as crews finish up on details of the sidewalks on both ends of the bridge and pedestrian walkways on the bridge.  Construction is still scheduled to be completed by March of this year.

LCSO Special Enforcement Numbers

The Lane County Sheriff’s department released its numbers corresponding to the latest grant funded DUII Holiday enforcement.  This year there was an additional 6 hours of funded overtime enforcement bringing the total to 36 hours.  According to Sgt. Carrie Carver numbers were down from the previous year with 5 DUII arrests made by the special task force.  There were however and additional 10 arrests made outside of the grant funded operation.  Lane County also cited 8 drivers that were operating a vehicle with a suspended license, one speeding violation and one citation for distracted driving.