City Council Meeting; Hazardous Waste; Public Works Open House; Chili Cook-Off

City Council Meeting

Monday evening the Florence City Council will meet for its regular meeting.  On the agenda will be the potential approval of the extension of the lease for the Oregon Coast Military Museum. OCMM has opted to renew its lease for two – ten year periods beginning in January of 2020.  The city will also consider continuing Municipal Court Prosecutor services with an increase of $10 per hour. And a possible approval to be sent to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission for a license for Dunesday Gaming located at 375 Laurel Street.  Dunesday Gaming plans to offer onsite liquor sales and offer free arcade style games.  Also on the agenda is the possible approval of Odor Control equipment for the Florence Wastewater Treatment plant.  According to the report, the current system is in need of replacement and a new system will cost close to $100,000.  Staff is recommending approval of the purchase.  City Council meets at 5:30pm at City Hall.

Hazardous Waste

Today and tomorrow Florence residents can recycle their toxic materials for free at the Lane County Transfer station on Rhododendron Drive.  The facility will be accepting household cleaners, paints, lawn and garden chemicals and other toxic materials from noon until 5 pm today and from 8-2 tomorrow.  There is no cost associated with the recycling.  Lane County does ask that you do not bring asbestos or explosives and no large empty containers or drums will be accepted.

Public Works Open House

The City of Florence Public Works will be holding an Open House on Thursday, October 10th.  There will be refreshments and tours of the facility from 2 until 6 pm.  It is an opportunity for residents to learn what public works does for the city of Florence.  People can meet the staff and view the equipment.  There will be a special presentation by Mayor Joe Henry at 4pm.  The Public Works facility is located at Kingwood and 27th street.

Chili Cook-Off

If you are a fan of Chili, there is a chili competition tomorrow at Darlings resort.  The event is planned from 2:30 to 6 pm with live music.  A $200.00 grand prize for the best chili will be awarded.