Paving To Continue
Temperatures were a little too cold to work on paving of highway 101 last week. More moderate nighttime temperatures this week will hopefully provide for an opportunity to do the work. Plans are for working throughout the week in the overnight hours to complete median work and the two northbound lanes of highway 101. The plan is to also secure driveway approaches. This work should continue through Friday of this week. There is still some curb work that needs to be completed before the rest of the roadway can be finished up. Bike lanes, parking areas, the bridge approach and the intersection of highway 101 and 126 will come after that work is completed.
Businesses Needed For Job Shadow Day
The City of Florence is still looking for businesses willing to host a job shadow day for students at Siuslaw High School. The Job Shadow Day which is scheduled to take place on February 7th is a day for Siuslaw High School juniors and seniors to learn about opportunities and to see what jobs are really like. Businesses interested in participating can visit the city of Florence website at the last day for signups is December 2nd.
Clamming Closed South
The Oregon department of agriculture closed razor clamming on Friday due to increased levels of demoic acid. Clamming closed from the south jetty of the Siuslaw River to the California border. You can still harvest razor clams from the north jetty northward according to ODA.
Flu Reports
The Oregon Health Authority continues to track influenza cases across the state. This past week there were no increases in reports from the prior week. There was only 1 reported case in central Oregon out of 170 tests performed. Generally the season sparks in January of each year, but rates tend to increase in the first couple weeks in November.