Paving This Week; Business License Renewal; School Board Meeting; Flu Report

Paving This Week

Crews from Alex Hodge Construction will be on the streets this week as paving continues on Highway 101.  According to city project manager, Megan Messmer, work will begin today and continue through the week as workers pave the outer parking lanes and bike lanes on the east side of the highway.  Work will also continue on linking side streets where they intersect the highway.  Crews are not yet ready to complete the intersection of Highway 101 and Highway 126.  According to Messmer that will take additional traffic control to complete.  Last week construction focused on finishing up concrete work with some additional work happening this week.  There is still the matter of the gateways to be installed.  The city is narrowing down options for construction of the Maple Street entrance to Old Town as well as the Quince Street entrance.  Contractors have given several possibilities including building them onsite and bringing them in already completed.  Construction is expected to be primarily completed by the end of January.  Landscape crews will also be out this week.

Business License Renewal

If you have a business in Florence, it is time to renew your license.  You can do that online with access to the renewals via the city’s website at  the deadline for renewal is the end of January.

School Board Meeting

The Siuslaw School board is scheduled to meet on Wednesday with a first reading of policies.  The Board of Directors will begin with a work session at 6 pm which will also include an executive session to consult with counsel concerning the rights and duties of a public body with regards to current of potential litigation likely to be filed against the district.  The meeting will be at the offices on 2111 Oak Street followed by the public meeting at 6:30.  The executive portion of the meeting will not be open to the public.

Flu Report

Flu cases continue to be on the rise in Oregon according to the Oregon Health Authorities weekly report.  The majority of the cases are centered in the Portland Metro area with significantly lower reports in outlying areas.  Activity has been low in Lane County and specifically along the coast, but overall more cases are being reported than this time last year with a total of 305 cases testing positive last week.