Planning Commission Meeting; Flu Update; Air Quality Issue; Fire Ban To End

Planning Commission Meeting

The Florence Planning Commission is scheduled to meet tomorrow to consider approving a resolution on a building project to determine whether a proposed mix use building in the Old Town District could be built with a few allowances by the city.  The request was submitted by Matt Holman of P&B Holman, LLC regarding the property on the southwest corner of 1st and Nopal street.  The proposed building would meet the maximum height requirements of 30 feet, but would actually be considered a structure with two and a half stories which exceeds the current codes for the district.  The building would have a main floor of retail space with apartments on the second floor with a second bedroom on the half level.  In order to be built the planning commission would have to allow for the upper space to be used as habitable space.  The space is currently a vacant lot that is used for parking.  The planning commission meets tomorrow evening at 5:30 to consider the resolution.

Flu Update

The Oregon Health Authority is reporting low levels of influenza and an increase over last year of vaccinations for the flu. All age groups has seen a rise in immunizations with the exception of the ages 7-12 category.  The increase has not been substantial, but averaged a 3 to 10 % increase in the different age groups.  There was a total of 25 cases of influenza reported in Oregon over the past week.

Air Quality Issue

The Lane Regional Air Protection Agency has issued an air quality advisory for the coast through Wednesday evening at 5pm.  Smoke from wildfires burning in the state is expected to loom over the coast over the next several days as northeast winds push through.  Air quality is expected to reach unhealthy levels periodically over the next several days and people with heart and lung diseases could be affected.

Fire Ban To End

Fire danger remains moderate for the coast as the area moves into the last full week its annual burn ban.  LRAPA spokesperson Travis Knudson says they expect to lift the ban on outdoor burning on Saturday the 15th.  Weather changes are bringing in cooler wetter weather although no rain is currently predicted for the week and temperatures will still be at or near the 70 degree mark.