Food Assistance Deadline; WLCF Celebrates 50 Years; Business Events; Beach and River Clean Up

Food Assistance Deadline

Oregon families that are eligible have until Monday to apply for summer food benefits. The Summer E-B-T program provides families with a one-time payment of 120 dollars per child in a household. The program was started during the pandemic and made permanent this year. Most who qualified automatically received benefits. David Wieland with Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon says one in six children in the state face food insecurity.

“We know that that spikes in the summer when access to school meals is interrupted. Summer EBT is the most direct way of addressing that summer hunger. It lets families access food that’s nourishing and appropriate for their families”

Wieland says the state has already distributed 40 million dollars in benefits to 330-thousand children this summer. Families can check their eligibility for the program at

WLCF Celebrates 50 Years

The Western Lane Community Foundation is celebrating their 50th year helping local charities and non-profits in the area and they are celebrating with a reception at the Florence Events Center in October.  The reception will feature some highlights for the organization over the years.  The event will be on October 4th beginning at 4:30 pm.

Business Events

The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce is highlighting some important time-sensitive events that will be happening over the next several weeks.  The Lane Small Business Development Center will be offering a Small Business Management Program which will include personalized coaching, free business advising and some low-cost training.  Information is available at  A Lane Workforce Partnership Resource Fair will be on October 2nd in Eugene from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm at Venue 252. Information from Paid Leave Oregon, the Oregon department of Human Services, worksource Oregon and others will be on hand.  More events and information is available at

Beach and River Clean Up

More than 1500 volunteers are expected to take part in Coastal Cleanup Day on September 21st.  SOLVE is organizing a one day event with over 50 sites across Oregon and on Oregon Beaches.  Since 1986 SOLVE events have picked up more than 2.6 million pounds of trash on Oregon beaches and in rivers.  Registration for events is available at