Author: George Henry

Ems Fall Back in Loss

The Eugene Emeralds moved back to a game and a half behind the Everett Aqua Sox as the Sox returned the beating the Ems Gave them on Tuesday.  Last night the Sox lit up the scoreboard with 10 runs on 11 hits.  The sox pounded starting pitcher Aaron Phillips with […]

Siuslaw River Bridge

Sheriff’s Office Investigates Vandalism; Elementary School Principal Chosen; National Night Out Planned; COVID-19 Update

Sheriff’s Office Investigates Vandalism Two separate instances of vandalism that targeted internet and cell phone companies over the past two weeks are under investigation, but cannot currently be connected, according to Lane County Sheriff’s Public Information Officer Sgt. Tom Speldrich.  Speldrich says a person of interest was turned over to […]

Ems Close the Gap

Ems Close the Gap The Eugene Emeralds picked up a full game last night as they defeated the Everett Aqua Sox 9-3.  The Ems are only a half game back and have a chance to take a half game lead this evening as the stand continues at PK park.  Last […]